
Is Your Pain Stopping Your Dreams?

“The Dream Giver is also the Dream Keeper.” -You’re Made For a God-sized Dream, Holley Gerth


Do you sometimes believe that your conditions hold you back from your dreams? And you wonder how this can be because if God gave these dreams to you, why would He allow for the pain and symptoms to make it a challenge in fulfilling them?

Sister, you don't have to worry about the details, the trial and errors, or anything else that is keeping your mind spinning with these questions.

Focus on taking His hand for the entire journey, and He will lead and carry you along the way!

This photo is me right after getting my hair and makeup done to prepare for my photoshoot in honor of me starting my life coaching business and practice and officially becoming an LLC. I knew I was meant to get here because of all the dreams and desires God placed in my heart over the years. But I couldn't see past my conditions and limitations for the longest time. Yet here I am, still with every condition I have, and making the dreams happen.

If He placed this dream in you, no condition or limitation is going to stop God's dream and plans from happening in your life.

I am living proof of this, and you can be too, sister.

I am living proof of this, and you can be too, sister. Hair and makeup: The Beautiful One Makeup

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Our Limits Can't Stop Us

"There is such pressure to do everything to its limits when all you need to do is do everything to YOUR the limit God gives inside of YOU." -Sara Frankl.

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To my chronic illness warriors and sisters, please read the quote above and my words below carefully.

It doesn’t serve you to compare yourself to the next woman or mom who is doing x, y, z.

We all have our pain, struggles, strengths and limits that are unique to ourselves.

Only pay attention to the limits God has given you.

When you do, you won’t be striving to do something you weren’t meant to.

And when you’ve reached your personal limit, you will have the confidence of hearing the words, “good and faithful servant,” because you only listened to God’s voice.

It won’t matter the amount you’ve crossed off your list for that day.

It won't matter what the next woman or mom's list looks like.

It won't matter with even your conditions or your limits.

God's voice is the main one that matters.

May you believe this and live this out more each day.

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Beauty in the Raw & Glam


Sometimes our chronic pain can make us feel bleh.

Who am I kidding? Not sometimes, but MANY times. And not just bleh, but maybe even like *BLEEP*.

It takes time and work to feel confidence in BOTH the raw and glammed up.

Don't get me wrong, getting yourself ready and dolled up does amazing things for your self-care, your confidence and productivity.

But I wanted to share the behind the scenes, and not just the highlight reels.

Here I am, raw, no hair product, no makeup and me in pjs before getting dolled up for my photoshoot.

And I am just as comfortable and confident sharing this photo with you now as a glammed up one.

“People pleasers aren't willing to be rejected and perfectionist try to prevent it.” -Brooke Castillo

I am recovering in both...and releasing both more and more is SO FREEING!

Give all that to the only one who lived perfectly and was STILL unjustly rejected, but willing to be FOR YOU to be freed from that rejection. You already have His approval in every season.

What is something you want to embrace more and have more confidence in? Start taking steps today!

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