Prayer For The Harder Times

You may feel burdened this morning.

Your heart may feel heavy.

You may not know how you're even going to get through today...

But God does.


His strength will carry you through your weakness.

His strength will carry you when you feel like you can't go on.

He can calm the waves of the sea.

He can calm the storm in your heart too.

May His hope, grace and strength carry you today and everyday as you continue to persevere through your physical and mental pain.


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What Would You Tell Your Daughter?

When you think of your conditions, and the limitations and symptoms it comes with, is that the same way you'd think and talk to your daughter if she had the same ones?


Probably not...

You've gotten so good at beating yourself up:

Telling yourself you're a failure. That you're not worth it. That you need to be doing more to be enough. That you'll never measure up because you can't do what this person does in x timeframe.…

Oh the list goes on and on, doesn't it mama?

They're watching.

They're listening.

They're taking mental notes.

This is my baby girl using my 1lb weights I had to use post surgery. She loves copying me while I'm exercising now.

And as we start a new workout program this Monday, I want her to see her mama committing to something that seems hard and impossible, but still doing it.

I want her to see that it's ok to fail...and see me get back up when I do.

I want her to see me being tired, and that it's ok to modify and take rest breaks, and then get right back up.

I want her to keep making her health a priority so she can pursue her goals despite her conditions.

What would you want to say to your daughter? What would you want her to believe about herself, even with her physical and mental health?

Drop a 💜 in the comments if you commit to start talking to yourself the way you would with your daughter...the way your Heavenly Father already sees and talks to you.

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Their Rejection is God's Protection

Sister, I know you've forced yourself to say "yes" to things you probably knew deep down wasn't a good idea.


But you did it anyway because you were afraid of rejection or afraid of what they would think of you if you did say no.

But as a chronic illness warrior, there are going to be lots of times where you have to say no...

...either from your physical conditions, or your mental ones, or both, for your health and for your healing.

And the ones who don't fully understand weren't meant to be a part of your life...and that's ok!

It doesn't make them a bad person, just like you needing to say no doesn't make you one either.

But God knows rejection hurts...

He knows more than anyone...

Because even when He poured Himself out fully to show love, He, too, was rejected...and continues to be over and over.

He experienced it fully, so you wouldn't feel the entire burden of it.

So when someone rejects you for needing to take care of yourself, see it as God's way of protecting you from someone who may never understand your pain.

He will place people in your life that will understand, or at least people who will try to or give you grace, even when they don't.

Hanging on to something that may never happen that you have no control over will only continuously cause you more pain.

Bless, release and focus on what you DO have control over: you.

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