Change Your Thoughts

Our thoughts influence our emotions and what we believe, which then influence our actions or lack of action.


If you want to change your life, start noticing your thoughts more and more.

Start seeing the connections.

Notice how they are impacting your every day life.

"We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ." -2 Corinthians 10:5


Release Your Fears

Fears perpetuate the lies you believe.
They hinder you from your purpose.
They stunt your growth if you allow them to.


Fears are meant to remind us we can't do it on our own, and that we weren't meant to carry them ourselves.

We are called to give our fears to God, to remind us of His sovereignty, power, strength, and might.

We are to give them to Him so that we can get our fears and ourselves out of the way, so that He can do what only He can...and the possibilities are limitless when He works.

He is able to do more than we can ever ask or imagine.

Drop a 💪 if you are working more toward releasing your fears this week!


You Are More Than Your Diagnosis


We know this to be true. How?

Look at the many people that walk around with physical and mental conditions, yet with a peace and joy about them.

Their pain still exists.

And sometimes behind closed doors, it’s not cute.

But they continue to LIVE.

They refuse to allow their conditions to dictate their joy and be the foundation of their identity.

We chronic illness warriors can forget we are not our conditions...but how amazing to have a community and family to remind us where our identity is truly rooted in.

Don’t perpetuate or magnify the pain by believing lies.

It becomes more painful than the actual symptoms itself.

#youaremorethanyourdiagnosis #overcomingwithgrace
