What Will It Cost You?


Need to make a decision about something? Small or big?

Many of our go-to's is writing a pros and cons list.

While that is a great thing, I challenge you to try adding on asking yourself these two questions:

🔹️What will it cost me if I do this?
🔹️What will it cost me if I don't do this?

》It reveals more of your "why".
》It reveals more of what you're willing to sacrifice and not sacrifice.
》It just adds another layer of awareness that can help you better in the decision you have to make.

Bonus question - Does this lead me closer to God and align more with the His plans for my life?

We don't have to wait for the new year to start these reflections. We can do them now!

Try it out and let me know how it goes!




And it’s not in food.
Natural remedies.
Or even healing.

Those aren’t bad things in it of themselves.

But why settle for good, when you can have THE BEST?!

When you find your comfort and rest in Jesus, and knowing the pain He endured for you so you wouldn’t experience the full heaviness of yours, truly does make it lighter, regardless of whether the physical or mental healing ever happens.

The emotional and spiritual healing you get instead surpasses any of that because it rests in knowing that Jesus is the greatest comfort you’ll ever have, and that isn’t dependent on your circumstances.

Will you take one step this week in believing this more?

Matthew 11:28 - Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.




Are you keeping the self-destructive thoughts in motion?

Or are you marinating more on God's promises and truths instead?

About your health.
Your marriage.
Your job,
Your finances.
Your relationships.
Your LIFE.

It is work to break through old thought patterns and lies, but friends, it is worth it to truth in God and His plans for you even more than before.
