Failure Is Necessary


Many of us grow up believing failure is a bad thing and that we'd get in trouble for different types of failure that we didn't need to get reprimanded or punished for.

This can make it challenging to rewire your mindset to thinking failure is necessary to learn, grow and thrive.

But with every reminder and step you take, the more the old thoughts are being replaced.

God doesn't view you any less with your failures, or any more with your accomplishments.

May this truth free you from receiving any feedback to continue to help you grow and be refined to be more like Jesus.

Will you commit to rewiring and replacing how you view failure today?

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The Bad Comes with The Good


Today, I had a conversation with my boy about how in life, before we can get to the things we want to do, or the things that are good, we often have to experience the not so great parts.

This whole conversation all stemmed from him not wanting to peel a clementine 🍊 because of the wetness💦 and how it makes his hands feel. 🖐🏼

I told him that often times, we have to go through the hard things or the things we don’t like, before experiencing our “clementine.” (Some say life is 5️⃣0️⃣/5️⃣0️⃣)

He can’t expect me, his dad, or anyone else to do it for him.

I reminded him that we don’t like going through it either, but that it is SO worth it to get to the other side.

Friend, this is true with more than just clementines.

This is true as it relates to our symptoms, new diagnosis, healing from our trauma and our past, parenting, marriage, work, you name it!

And it is by God’s grace that He would even allow us to go through the hard stuff to reveal idols and beliefs that are keeping us trapped in vicious cycles of chasing tirelessly, misery and more.

When you confront the negative/downsides healthily, it is then, that you can fully experience the positive/upsides fully.

#overcomingwithgrace #thebadcomeswiththegood #lifeispainfulandbeautiful

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