What If You Could Decrease Your Pain With One Thing?

What if you could decrease your pain with one thing?


Chronic pain, depression and anxiety....

It steals your joy.

It gets in the way of what you need to do each day.

You feel like a burden to those around you, especially your family.

You're constantly tired.

You feel behind day in and day out.

You feel worthless, useless and helpless.

You have tried SO many things and it either hasn't worked or causes more side effects.

You're tired of being tired.

Do any of those statements resonate with you?


I was there.

And just when I thought I had things figured out, my health crashed AGAIN.

And the roller coaster of emotions hit me all over again.

But this time, I overcame them like never before.

That is why I created a 6 week program where I will teach you how to overcome the pain.

I will show you one simple, yet powerful thing that can decrease your pain with NO negative side effects.

Only side effects?

Your pain will decrease.

You will believe yourself more.

You will trust God more.

You will feel valued, worthy and useful.

You have nothing to lose, but much to gain.

After you’ve gone through this program, it will not only impact your health, but ALL areas of your life.

Form can be found below and deadline to fill it out is this Sunday, so we can start this journey together! WOMEN ONLY! (unless you attend my church)


Phoebe Signature.png