Be willing to revisit your past

Be willing to revisit your past in a healthy state and in a healthy space.

We often want to avoid the painful parts of our past. But when we avoid or resist, the pain isn't fully healed. It either stays dormant, stagnant, or grows and manifests into other things, like anger, impatience, distrust, insecurities, etc.


Revisiting your past isn't for the intent to make yourself hurt more.

No, it is the exact opposite.

It is to HEAL from it.

It is to see the beauty and growth that came out of it.

It is to release the pain.

It is not a one time thing. It is a lifetime thing.

When we revisit, we get to decide whether it is time to let it go once and for all, or if there is more work and healing to be done from there to eventually come to a point where it doesn't negatively impact us.

But refuse to allow it to manifest in ways that don't serve you, and in ways that hinder you from becoming who God intended for you to be and the purpose He has for you. Refuse to allow it to hinder you from seeing who God really is.

Drop a 💪 if you want to start being open to courageously revisiting your past so you can heal!

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