I know fear and worry seem useful because you want to play out all scenarios from A to Z.
And planning isn’t a bad thing.
It’s a great thing.
But when it is constantly from a place of fear and worry...oh my friend, how it robs you of the joy and peace you can experience in each moment as you still continue to plan and navigate this thing called life.
Rest in knowing that the whole world and galaxy was created and continues to be maintained by the same creator that made you and knows every detail about your life and has GOOD plans for you.
Our version and definition of good is merely a small piece of the puzzle.
He knows.
He knows every peace, every joy, every year, every pain.
He knows it all and will work ALL things out for good like only He can.
Brokenness ➡️ Beauty
Fear ➡️ Freedom & Faith
Messes ➡️ Messages
Pain ➡️ Peace & Purpose
Rest tonight and in every season knowing this.
And if you struggle with believing this, reflect on where these thoughts have gotten you thus far, and be compassionately curious why you struggle to believe, and then imagine what life could look like if you actually let go of fear.