2016: New
2017: Closer
2018: Revival
2019: Committed



2019 was one of the hardest years of my life, if not the hardest.

I started the year with my physical and mental health crashing again to where I had to see all my doctors and specialists, and went through partial hospitalization for my depression and anxiety for 3 months.

From the things I’ve shared openly on here to the many things you didn’t see because I chose to keep it private...there was a LOT of pain, tears, fears and wanting to give up, literally.

With everything I’ve gone through not just in the last year, but my entire life, my purpose, the trials in life, and God’s love and grace for me became even more clear.

Everything I was learning and everything I had learned, it was even more clear to me that I could not keep it hidden or focus on my insecurities and doubts over sharing all God has done this past year and in my life...which led me to start my life coaching practice and LLC in May...which is why no matter how painful things got, physically, mentally or emotionally, I stuck by my 2019 word of being committed to myself, my family and ultimately to God for giving everything up for me.

So this year, I never want to lose sight of why I’m doing everything, which is why my 2020 word is “ALIGNED.”

In everything I do, whether it be with my marriage, parenting, church, OWG, family, friendship, health, my finances, trials, EVERYTHING...I want to be ALIGNED with God every step of the way.

I know there will be set backs.
I know I’ll fail many times.

But I also know that His grace is sufficient in my weaknesses.

And I know He is faithful to redirect me back as I continuously seek Him.

Happy New Year friends!!!

Let’s continue encouraging each other, praying for one another and lifting each other up in this new year and new decade!

What is your 2020 word?!

#2020wordoftheyear #2020vision #newdecade

**two top 9 as I did one a week before to prepare for the post and curious to see if it changed as of yesterday but didn’t pay for watermark removal 🤣**
