How do we REALLY know that the letter “A” makes the “ah” sound, and that “M” makes the “em” sound?!
Someone or some group of people decided that some squiggly lines make a particular sound, and everyone just agreed and followed suit.
Friend, similarly, we have told the story to ourselves that certain situations are horrible and terrible.
“Situation A” makes the sound of worry.
“Situation B” makes the sound of hopelessness.
Whether this is really true, this narrative has often left us living in negative emotions like fear, doubt, worry or helplessness.
What if the same way that brought us to believe that letters make certain noises and certain situations are classified as horrible, is the very same way we can re-direct our minds to shift, even if it was a little?
That what you’re going through may be a hard, painful or even terrible thing...but that you don’t have to live in helplessness or hopelessness?
It is possible sister.
And all it takes is a faith of a mustard seed to start believing something different.
And with God, ALL things are possible.