Things In Life Are Not Easy


Learning to live with chronic health issues and still have joy isn’t easy...

Surviving abuse in different forms isn’t easy...

Learning how to have a healthy relationship and healthy communication isn’t easy...

Learning to still have joy despite all the various pains and trials in your life, be it emotional, mental, physical or spiritual, isn’t easy...

But the more you lean into the discomfort, challenge and gets easier not because it erases the pain of your experience or circumstances, but because you get TOUGHER my friend!

That toughness doesn't come from our own willpower and strength.

We all know life throws things at us that are more than we can bear.

Oh friend, the toughness increases because of the power living INSIDE us from the Holy Spirit.

Through our weaknesses, His strength SHINES!

We get tougher because we are made in His image, and His power, His resurrecting power, lives in US.

He overcame the the world and even death, and it is because of Him, that we are able to overcome ANYTHING in this life.

His strength.
His healing.
His peace.
His victory.

All for you.

Drop a 💪if you needed this reminder today!

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