Mindset Is Everything


We are constantly looking for our circumstances to change in order for us to be happy, content and fulfilled.

But happiness and fulfillment are found when we realize it's not in our circumstances or things in life, but how we view life in itself.

Happiness, contentment and fulfillment are found when we realize that it's not even how we view life itself, but in the One who CREATED life.

When you lean into your Creator, even if it's hesitantly because of the unknown and uncertainty, you can trust that you're leaning into love, hope, light and grace.

Our circumstances don't have to change to feel these things, but we do have to chance...and we CAN!

We can shift our views to believing where happiness, contentment and fulfillment truly lie. The rest will naturally come as a result of that...

#mindsetiseverything #mindsetshift #liestotruths

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