We hear this a lot, but how many of us LIVE it?
If you struggle with letting go and trusting God with a certain situation, take some quiet time...DISTRACTION FREE...with a journal or voice recorder or whatever works for you and ask yourself and God why you do.
-Was there a certain memory, person, or experience that led to the struggle manifesting to where it is at now?
Once you have these things, note them down or record them with the date, and just keep them there on a shelf for now.
No need to go in depth to what the next step is. Awareness and admitting are the first big, real steps.
Thank God for revealing this to you and let Him know that even though it's hard, even if you're not used to it, even if you don't want to, pray that He works in your heart and that He continues to give you the strength and courage to go on this journey to heal this area.
He is faithful to answer!