Two Weeks of Shelter In Place


Summary of the almost 2 weeks of shelter in place:

•Wanted to turn into Hulk
•Felt the calm and peace of Jesus

•Wanted to run away to Mexico
•Was incredibly blessed to be with my babies

•Had the homeschooling down
•Homeschooling, what?!

•Felt empowered and confident
•Felt so weak and exhausted

Friends, this is all a part of life. We CAN learn how to manage and navigate through the ebbs and flows of our emotions and life, but know that it’s okay to not be okay and know that we aren’t always going to feel great about everything. It’s what you’re making the not so great times mean, that are important to note.

If you got a sneak peak into my brain and heart the last few weeks, you’d be like whaaat?! 🤔🧐😲🤪

God never promised this life would be absent of challenges and pain, but He did promise that He would NEVER leave us or forsake us.

And not only is that true today in the midst of everything, but it was true then because of the ✝️, and because of the cross, it is true for ALL eternity! He will NEVER leave us!

Whether I have it all together or I’m Hulk or Runaway Mom status! 🤣

So know whatever state you’re in right now, whether you’re still transitioning, still struggling or maybe you are getting it are not alone, and you are loved.

How has your 2 weeks been?


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