Hero of Our Souls


When the enemy tries to feed you lies about who you are, and how you’re not worthy because of your conditions, your past or your limitations, how do you respond?

Do you respond in belief? Do you entertain it a little? Do you try to overcome it yourself?

When the hero of your story is you, there will inevitably be times where you grow weary, tired and have bad days.

But when your Hero is the God of the universe, and you KNOW Him and have a deep relationship with Him, you can stand before any lie or war, EVEN with feeling like you have NOTHING left, and believe you will win, because you have the Hero of your soul going behind and before you who has already won not just the battle, but won the war!

Armor up. Believe His truths instead.

Drop a if you want to spend more time with the Hero of your soul, rather than the enemy or the countless thoughts of our flesh.

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