

He loves you as you are, not as you should be.

“Self-acceptance is not pop culture or pop psychology; it’s not the power of positive thinking...It is the profound act of faith in the acceptance of Jesus Christ of me as I am, and not as I should be.” -Brennan Manning

And not because of myself or anything I’ve done, but because of who HE is and what HE has done.

Tetelestai = IT. IS. FINISHED.

Awareness and full acceptance of knowing it was complete REMOVES you from trying to complete yourself.

It removes us from demanding of ourselves to strive more because of low self-worth and low self-love, and gets rid of ANY excuses that hinder us from loving ourselves because the GOD who sent His Son, and the Son who was willing to die a brutal, undeserved death, loves YOU and I the same in our worst and best moments.

As you continue into this shelter in place, take some time this weekend to reflect on this unfathomable, loving, gracious and merciful God who not only loves you, but WANTS you to experience this love and wants to have a relationship with you that He’d rather die than be without you...ALL of you.

The faithful you or the doubting you.

The you that has it all together or the you that’s falling apart.

The you that remembers Him, and the you that forgets Him.

The you that trusts Him and the you that doesn’t.




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