Overcomed By Love

Before she napped today, she gazed at me and we had the most beautiful conversation:

Annabelle: “I love you.”

Me: “I love you too.”

Annabelle: “...so much.” 😭

Me: “so much.”

And then she put her hand to my cheek 🥰😭.


Even with how I fail my daughter, she gazes at me, shares how much she loves me and holds my face in her hand.

I can’t tell you how full my heart was of gratitude, acceptance and love.

And if I felt this with my daughter, how much more will I feel this gratitude, acceptance and love EVEN MORE from GOD, my Heavenly Father, the more and more I believe His love for me...and God knows ALL my failures, past, present and future, AND YET, He tells me how much He loves me....SO MUCH...and when Jesus was on the cross, I can imagine Him picturing me, gazing at me and putting my face in His hands to complete the work He needed to on the cross.

What an unfathomable, indescribable, deep love. 😭

My prayer for you and I tonight, is that we would believe this love more and more each day and would that lead us to marvel at the Giver of this love more and more.

#recklesslove #overcomedbylove #overcomingwithgrace

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