Bring Your Emotions to God

When we rush to not feel something, chances are, we probably should sit with it a little longer.

I am NOT talking about when abuse or assault, or any of those situations are happening.


I'm talking about other situations when we are rushing to get out of or change our circumstance in order to feel better.

Scripture tells us our hearts are fleeting, so if we keep wanting to change our circumstances because of our hearts, that's a lot of changing and not getting to the root of WHY we are wanting the change in the first place.

The key word is 𝗥𝗨𝗦𝗛.

Are you rushing to fix things? Are you rushing to want to feel better?

We can always change the circumstances, but if you don't sit with and work through those emotions in your present situation, those same reasons why you want to change your circumstances will follow you into the new one.

How much more powerful would it be if you brought your emotions to God, and He showed you what you were believing of why you want to change your circumstances, and then having a strong peace, regardless if your circumstances change or not.

It's pretty powerful friend...

And I'm going to show you more in depth how to learn that soon...

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