Joy from Jesus


When we think about our circumstances that aren’t ideal or are even painful, it’s hard to imagine feeling happiness.

But when we think about who Jesus is, what He endured for us because of His love for us, along with our circumstances, it brings a joy and a hope that can only come from Him, despite our circumstances.

In the Model (a tool I share often with my clients), when you plug your circumstance in the “C” line with your conditions, trauma, or justice issues, along with your thoughts around it, happiness has NEVER been something myself or my clients have put as an emotion.

But when you add Jesus and Scripture to your “C” line with your condition, trauma or justice issue, the thoughts around it change.

Hope is present.
Lightness is present.
Peace is present.
Sometimes even joy.

And that’s without the circumstances ever changing.

This is not just the power of the Model my friends.

This is the power of JESUS, His resurrection, and the Holy Spirit.

This is the power of the Gospel.

He gave His life for you so you would know, believe and feel this Love, Grace, Peace, Hope, Lightness, and Strength even in your weakest and darkest moments.

If you’re wanting to dive deeper into this work, schedule a free mini session with me.

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