As Your Life Coach


As your life coach:

-I encourage and affirm all the progress your critical brain struggles to give yourself or even see.

-I question the sneaky ways your brain tries to protect you (for good reasons), and walk you through how you can let go of those tricky thoughts. But it's at YOUR pace, and in a way that feels safe for you, because YOU want it for yourself.

-We explore all the beautiful and complex things that go on in your mind with LOTS of compassion, curiosity and grace...NO judgment. Nothing surprises me, and you are fully loved.

-I am a soft place to share your deepest pains from your past and present, so you can safely work through healing from them, making them purposeful for your future. (Doesn't matter what kind of pain.)

This is a short summary list in case you've been wondering what it's like to work with me...

Oh, and I love analogies, quotes, and laughter in our sessions too!

(I also love a whole lot of Jesus, but you can choose to leave all the faith talk out when you fill out your intake forms!)

A client recently shared:

"Thank you so so much for working with me over the past year+ and helping me grow SO MUCH and take SO MUCH CONTROL over my own life. I honestly feel 90% recovered from my extremely traumatic past and it’s many many thanks to you."

To see what other clients have said, head to my website at

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