
Leaving The Dead Behind...

So I did a thing this week where I even shocked myself: I cut my hair by someone who doesn’t usually do my hair!!!!

Okay, you may be reading that and thinking, “What’s the big deal?”


But some of ya’ll reading this will know…when you have your hair lady, your eyebrow lady, etc., you do NOT trust anyone else with it! So not only did I go to someone who doesn’t usually do it, I went to someone who has NEVER done my hair before, nor was I sure of their women’s cut experience.

But let me tell you why I did:

The ends of my hair have been DEAD for sooo long. I’m really bad with getting trims (which my regular hair gal barks at me for because that is a CRIME in hair world!) On top of that, the last sections of my previous balayage were on the ends, so it was definitely dry and dead like asian brooms!

What can I say; I am a work in progress!

And with me rocking my natural curls lately, this was leaving my hair VERY heavy, they were straightening in areas I didn’t want, and not curling in areas I wanted it to curl in. HOT MESS!

For the last few months, I told myself I’d book with my hair gal. I kept looking at her calendar, considering to book, and then I’d come up with every excuse in my head of why I shouldn’t do it.

“I have a ton to do.”

“I could be using that time to do this instead.”

“I’m already behind in _______.”

“Who is going to watch the kids.”

”I could use the funds for ______ instead.”

The list went on and on…

To the point where I am where I was this past week: heavy hair, dead ends, and not happy.

So before I could repeat that cycle all over again for the umpteenth time…I drew the line in the sand.

My go-to gal was super booked as usual because she is AH-mazing..and I knew if I didn't do something now, I'd be in the same place again.

So I decided to call where Alan and the kids get their haircuts from. They were open, available, affordable, and I knew I could bring the kids with me.



Let me tell you, as she was cutting off my hair…I could feel the weight being shed off, even with some of the fears I had. I told myself if I didn’t like it, I could grow it out anyway. With my superfood shake I’ve been drinking for years now, my hair grows like cray.

And afterward, with no product at all and not knowing if I would really like my end result, I FELT GOOD.

Not because of the haircut itself.

But because I let go of my excuses. I let go of what was weighing me down. I let go of waiting to have the result I wanted. I let go of what was DEAD.


So sister, I ask you…what is currently happening in your life that is doing the same for you that my dead ends were doing?

Maybe it’s your hair. Maybe it’s a habit. Maybe it’s a thought you’ve carried around for so long, it became such a core belief.

Whatever it is….

However way you have been dealing with it thus far…

Know that you CAN do something about it TODAY. Cut it off and leave the dead things behind THIS WEEK!

Feeling lighter!

Feeling lighter!

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