The state of California has been in a drought for a few years now. They just announced this past week that our usage has dropped 27.3%, a little bit more than the 25% mandate for June. ( Maybe we are starting to see the seriousness of what could happen if we continue to not have rain?
But, this specific post isn't about the drought per se, although I do have tips for you to save that has worked for us, so maybe another post for another time!
The rules and recommendations of how and when to water our lawns kind of clicked to me in a different way this week.
In our area, EB MUD (East Bay Municipal Utility District) requires that we water no more than two days per week with no runoff and that we water only before 9 am or after 6 pm. ( Now, as you can clearly see, I am SUCH an expert at lawn-keeping and landscaping:
weeds taller than me....weeds....and more dead weeds galore!
I was curious about the time frame restriction. Being the [not] expert, I was assuming it was because watering during the day would cause such a quick dry out from the sun anyway that it wouldn't be the most beneficial or effective option. After a little research, I found out I was right. And then it hit me...
Life is the same way.
Has your marriage ever experienced a "drought"? Or how about your career, parenting, relationship, your health goals, your search for purpose, or maybe those that are longing for a relationship, or maybe a child to call your own? Perhaps you are currently in a drought season now and it feels so dead and dry, and you don't know when the next rain is going to come to quench your "lawn's" thirst. My encouragement for you, my dear friend, is that you hang on tight and keep your hope alive. Even the most dead of lawns, trees and plants can be revived.
It can be easy to water our yards when it is convenient for us. Personally for me, I cannot do it in the morning before work, which some experts say is actually the best time. And when I finally remember to water it, it is at night because it is better for me. But we would be wise to listen to the professionals if we want to make the best use of our water and to have it have the best effects on our yard.
Back to life: our marriages are so precious and delicate, our health is so important, parenting and our careers need such care, guidance and can we possibly juggle it all?! It is no wonder that many areas of our life seem so dry and dead. We are overwhelmed; and our "yards" are suffering. Our marriages, our children, our bodies, our relationships, our careers.
Some would argue that watering yards during the day is better than nothing. I'm not sure how true that is, but in life, yes, going to a marriage retreat when things are rocky, or going to counseling are great things, and things we should be doing. But, if we are only doing it during the heat of conflicts and tension, then like our yards, our marriage will soon dry up. Our efforts to strengthen it will be BEST used in the cooler moments, so that the water can take root...meaning show love and respect to your spouse as much as you can, in the good and the bad seasons.
Another personal "drought" for me is that I struggle with emotional eating. When I am having a hard day, I want to indulge in such unhealthy food, desserts, and chocolate...lots of all of the above. I think that I am "treating" myself in the heat and peak of my stress, but actually I end up hurting my body after doing that. And if I'm being honest, many times, I feel terrible emotionally after with regret. But, if I take the time to care for myself in the cooler moments - cut back on scheduling, eat healthier majority of the time, pray and meditate often, practice a gratitude-attitude - then, I wouldn't believe the lie that I need to indulge to feel better. (One recent thing I have been doing is starting my day with First 5, and so far, I have been loving it!)
Whatever your "drought" may be, know that it is okay, to not be okay. You may be like me, where you haven't watered your "lawn", or "trees" in soooo long. But God's love and mercies are new every morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23) There is nothing He can not bring to life. The resurrection of Jesus shows us not only that, but also that His Love overcomes everything forever. It will take time, and it will definitely take multiple steps, but there is Hope. Please don't wait until a severe "drought" crisis before doing what is best for you, your family and your life.
What "droughts" are you experiencing?
Lots of Love,
Phoebe Grace
Our pear tree that used to produce so many pears, but now has only few pears and empty branches. Working on reviving it!