Deep Breathing Can Really Help With Your Pain

It may not be able to take it away completely...but there are scientific and anecdotal reasons of how and why it can help decrease it.


I won’t go into those here, but know that the oxygen flow helps not just the cells in your brain and body, but it also helps disrupt whatever thoughts you are having that could be making your pain worse.

This week, if you find yourself having a headache after doing deep work, reading a hard textbook/article, or anything else that may be bringing on some stress, pause from it.

Take 5 minutes to do deep breathing. There are many variations, but to start, you can inhale through the nose for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and exhale for 4 through the mouth.

Notice how at the end of the 5 minutes, that tension headache may decrease.

It’s so simple, yet it is often the simple things we dismiss in our healing.

Drop a 🌬 if this is something you want to do more of this week!

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10 Years of Saying "I DO"

Today, Alan and I celebrate 10 years since saying I do.


As we hit our 10 year wedding anniversary, I've been asked what keeps a marriage strong. This is what Alan and I came up with.

At the end of it all, when we struggled with doing any of these things, the GOSPEL has been our strongest foundation and glue.

Though all the joys and trials, it was having a perfect God, make our imperfect marriage, perfect.

I can't wait to see what God has for us next!

I love you more than ever, my best friend, father of my babies, and love of my life, Alan.

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Say it louder for the enemy to hear you!!!

I haven’t been as active this week online as I usually am because family, friends and clients have been going through some ROUGH things!

Just in the last 24 hours, I’ve had THREE people tell me they want to die and/or thought of how to make it happen.

The struggle is REALLY REAL.


“You haven’t accomplished this yet.
You never get this right.
You’re never gonna measure up.

...and that’s why you are where you are.
...and that’s why you don’t have friends.
...and that’s why people don’t love you or want you.”

Sound familiar?!

Friends, I need you to read the truth in this graphic over and over again!

But I need you to not just read it but repeat it! And although that may help to continue reminding yourselves of this truth, what has to start happening more is you actually BELIEVING it.

And belief doesn’t just come from repetition, otherwise we’d all have arrived already.

It comes from looking at the cross and reflecting and marinating on what that means for you.

When you get the “no”, or face trials, what are you making it mean about yourself? What lies are you believing?

When the failures and trials come, can I challenge you instead, to look at the cross and ask yourself:

If the cross is true and Jesus DID die for me, what does it mean for my identity and my life? If God had the power to resurrect after death, what does that mean for me in what I am facing right now?

And just write....

Write whatever comes and don’t stop. Keep doing this day after day, week after week and let all the lies come out, so He can heal and release you from them... you can start replacing them with Truths more. you can start believing more. you can start knowing who you really are, and that is a precious child of God NO MATTER WHAT.

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