Inner Fullness


He was ignored, abandoned, rejected, mocked, accused, and beaten.

He experienced loss and pain.

He experienced weakness on the way up to his death from all the beatings.

And He did it all so you and I wouldn’t have to feel the fullness of the pain, but inner fullness of Him to have strength to endure the pain.

This is why when your circumstances don’t change and you wonder how or why you can still experience peace, or maybe even joy during trials?

This is why.

His emptiness allows for us to experience fullness!

May you be able to believe, feel and live this out more this week!


Mental Health

Depression, anxiety and suicide rates are on the rise of our young children. 💔 💔💔


There are many suggestions/tools/resources out there. Because of the importance of this topic, I’m gonna just shoot these all out.

This post is not about validity, studies, or whether these things are right or wrong for you or your child.

I just want to share as much as possible because one MAY help someone’s family.

•Limit screen time

•Monitor screen activity

•Limit/monitor social media. Follow life-giving accounts

•Vitamins that help with mental health (consulted by doctor)

•Monitor foods (some ingredients actually increase symptoms in people, and some are more sensitive than others)

•Provide a safe space for them to just simply talk about their day and no feedback. (Some kids don’t want to talk because we get into defensive and protective mode as parents and they don’t want to rock the boat with peers)

•When they’re ready to talk about situations with peers and want your thoughts...this is such a crucial thing: Be spirit led with how to approach the conversation and what to share. Will your suggestion solve the problem? Does it build their emotional IQ? Does it build compassion, strength, or other fruits of the spirit? If they were wronged, what can you share that will create more solutions to not just the problem in front, but the greater one?

•Build emotional and mental tolerance

•Build failure tolerance

•Consider if counseling or coaching is appropriate.

•Community- church groups, after school groups, sports.

•Investing time in things they love- art, music, etc.

•Remind them every morning as they go to school, and when you recap their day after school that they are a CHILD OF GOD. They are PRECIOUS. LOVED. WORTHY. NO MATTER WHAT.

•PRAY. Encourage them to. If they don’t, oh mama, be on your knees every morning as if their life depended on it...because it does!

Would you share more below if you have some?! Let’s come together to address this!


Listen to the voice of the One

And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her."
John 8:7


The One who knew no sin, the One who could've thrown the first stone, didn't.

This thought during last week's message hit me so hard and broke me.

A flood of things from my past came, and I was immediately humbled and overwhelmed with the undeserving love, grace and forgiveness I get daily.

Whatever shame or guilt you may be holding onto from that thing in your past, don't listen to the voice of others. Don't listen to your own voice. Listen to the voice of the One who has the right to "stone" you, but instead gives you that same love, grace, mercy and forgiveness.
