You can find the best way to manage your conditions, be healed from your past, get to your goal weight or have so much more self-confidence that you don’t beat yourself up with words and thoughts anymore...but if you aren’t addressing your heart along the way, it can lead to more striving and being more self-focused , which sister, can cause more problems.
When you work through your heart (which is driven by a thought), you’ll see what you’re believing.
And when you see what you’re believing, you’ll become more aware of what you’re focusing on.
When we fix our eyes on ourselves, we can strive more [unhealthily] and have more self-confidence [unhealthily] and become more self-focused.
When we fix our eyes on others too much, we tend to neglect ourselves and are believing other lies, like earning love and approval or believing it’s up to us.
But when we fix our eyes on God, we receive His peace that surpasses all understanding, and receive His confidence that is victorious in all circumstances...then the other stuff? Comes naturally AND from Him.