Your Destination


Don't let the unexpected turns and detours in your life stop you from getting to your destination.

You don't turn around and go home when you encounter them while driving, why would you do it for the goal and the dream that you know deep down in your core you were meant for?!

Go ahead girl...keep pushing through those unexpected twists. Not only is the destination worth it, but the growth in the journey is too.

God's got you the entire way!


The Worst That Can Happen


We think it’s the circumstances, but most of the time, if not all the time, it’s the fear, heaviness and pain that comes with facing our emotions and why we’re feeling them.

We know this because many people experience excruciating and debilitating pain and are still able to feel empowered, peace and sometimes even joy.

But the scenarios we are overwhelmed, worried and fearful about...the worst that can happen, is that we have to face what abandoned feels like, disappointment, embarrassment, or any other emotion we try so hard to avoid.

The better you get at experiencing ALL emotions, the more able you will be to navigate through anything in life because you won’t be afraid of feeling the feelings that come with it all.

