We think we can't lose __ lbs because we've never done it before.
Or that we can't have a successful career.
Or that we could neeever have the discipline or courage to do _________.
Whatever you're filling in your blanks with...you are defining your future based off of your past.
Your past gives you insight, but it doesn't dictate what's ahead...it doesn't have that kind of power.
It only has that power if you give it that power.
GOD is sovereign over your circumstances. He is greater than ANY circumstance, because HE IS. (I Am.)
And He calls you to take His hand. You CAN take His hand friend. With God, YOU can and do have that power living inside you.
What would your life look like if you never learned something for the first time? Everything you know now is by God's grace, and because you took the time, effort, energy and patience to receive that grace.
You learned.
You received.
You practiced.
You mastered.
You just have to transfer that belief to that goal you think you can't do....
...because the truth is, YOU CAN.
And if you believe you can, YOU WILL.
Let your future be dictated by your NOW.
Take His hand today...π
#overcomingwithgrace #HeisSovereign #Godhasyourback #YouAreRenewed