Overcoming Confusion


If it's the "wrong" one, trust that His provision, power and sovereignty will guide you to where He wants you to go next.

Staying in confusion leaves you stuck, going back and forth (which is still stuck) AND sitting with a lot of negative, unnecessary emotions and energy that can be used for a bunch of other things.

Make the decision, and see where He leads you after.

#OvercomingConfusion #overcomingwithgrace


It's Okay To Say No


When you try to say yes to everything, you inevitably say no to other things.

Just be careful that you're not saying no to things you really want to be saying yes to and vice versa.

In the end, when you say yes to others, you could be saying no to something meant for you.

In the end, you could be saying no to God's calling and plans for your life.

#advocateforyourself #advocateforGod

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His Mercies Are New


You don't need the first day of a new year to make this happen; His mercies are new every morning.

Promise me this:

When some of your resolutions seem to fade, will you commit to persevering in planting your feet on a firm foundation, and pursuing your amazing, God-given purpose?

When they start to fade, will you plant them in your identity as a child of God, the One who NEVER changes, and is a solid and firm foundation?

DO NOT continue planting in the belief that you will never change, and that things are hopeless so you might as well never try.

Can you imagine where you would be if you thought that from the very beginning?!

You would NOT be where you are today.

You have everything you need in you to be renewed and start today to re-commit.

Comment 🙌🏼 if you will commit to not give up on what you want to do and where you feel led to go.

#newyearsresolutions #newyearsresolutionseveryday #Hismerciesarenew

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