We may not be able to control the natural progressions and the ups and downs of our conditions, but we can control how we react to them.
We may not be able to control the pain of the symptoms, but we can try to minimize as best we can, the emotional pain and emotional suffering that comes with it.
None of us know our exact timeline here on Earth, whether you have conditions or not, but if we did...let’s say we knew our time was up in 7 days, 7 weeks, 7 months or 7 years...would you spend it the way you have been?
Reflecting on this question was one of the big contributors to my shift in my conditions and how I wanted to live.
You can still seek treatment and management options at the same time as you are experiencing pain from symptoms, but you can minimize the emotional pain and emotional suffering and TRULY LIVE.
Drop a 🙌🏼 if this spoke to you!
#overcomingwithgrace #endemotionalsuffering #thrivingwithillness #struckdownbutnotdestroyed