Intentional Treat Per Week


Pre- #shelterinplace , I had one intentional treat per week.

With everything going on, I upped my number of treats with a plan that still honors my conditions and what I want for this season.

Eating healthy + More treats + Honoring my physical, mental and emotional health + LOTS of GRACE = YES to this being possible because you get to decide the plan, and you get to decide if you like your reasons and if it’s serving you.

Drop a if you agree and/or want me to share in a future post what my plan is.


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Can I Encourage You Tonight?

Is the way you've been spending your life this past year, the way you want to be spending it?


If there's a little more of struggles, frustration, wishing, hopelessness, exhaustion, and just not caring about life...maybe because of a chronic condition, maybe because of depression and anxiety, maybe because of traumatic memories from your past, or maybe because you just don't think you aren't worthy enough to have a joyful life...

Friend can I encourage you tonight?

If you don't care about life or think it has just plain sucked for you up until this point, so you don't even look forward to tomorrow...that CAN change.

If how you've been spending this year isn't how you want to end the year, that CAN change.

Start with one step.

We don't get from A to Z in one arrow like Amazon.

Start with imagining a different life can be possible for you.

Start with even WANTING a different life. (Since you may have gotten SO used to not caring, you may not even know what that looks and feels like.)

Start wherever you are.

Just START. Your future self will thank you for making the decision to live being more aligned with God, how He sees you and the purpose He has for you.

And if you struggle with where or how to start, I can be your guide. I am living proof that you CAN have all of the above circumstances and still LIVE. Let's hit that start button together. I'm just a message away!


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He Makes All Things New

The way you think about your conditions, your spouse, parenting and your kids’ behaviors, who you are and your do get to decide.


It can be easy to think it’s not up to you and you’re having them because of what THEY are doing, whether they is your symptoms, spouse, kids or your past.

But friend, what is hurting you most are not those things, but what you think of them.

We know this, because there are other people in your situation or have experienced it, that aren’t suffering the way you are.

It’s truly a choice what you decide to keep in your brain, just as it is a choice to decide what you want to keep in your home.

Your mind is the home to thousands and thousands of thoughts.

You wouldn’t let a pile of garbage continue stinking and rotting your home; don’t do same with your mind.

Acknowledge the piles.

Create a plan to clean them up.

Carry out that plan step by step.

You have a God that is not intimated by the amount or the size of those piles and is with you every step of the way!

You are a CHILD OF GOD and He sent Jesus FOR YOU to take on ALL the piles in the past, present and future so you and I could be made clean from the inside out!

Drop a if you want to start saying PEACE to those piles that are rotting and stinking up your mind and life!

#overcomingwithgrace #garbageout #hemakesallthingsnew

: @heartboxphotography