Good Friday 2020


It’s been a harder week of processing so many things.

I speak for myself, but maybe you can relate, that I try to process it all to understand, conceptualize, to control.

But the truth is, no matter how much we simplify it or process the complex things, we will never fully understand.

We won’t ever fully understand the depth of our brokenness and sin, and we will never fully understand the depth of His grace, love and sacrifice.

If we ever fully do comprehend God, then He is NOT God.

Lord, though we may never fully comprehend, would you help us see and understand a bit more in every season, and even more today as we remember what this day symbolizes?


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Overcoming Rejection

Friend, I know you've forced yourself to say yes to things you probably knew deep down wasn't a good idea.


But you did it anyway because you were afraid of rejection or afraid of what they would think of you if you did say no.

But as a #chronicillnesswarrior , there are going to be lots of times where you have to say no...

...either from your physical conditions, or your mental ones, or both, for your health and for your healing.

And the ones who don't fully understand weren't meant to be a part of your life...and that's ok!

It doesn't make them a bad person, just like you needing to say no doesn't make you one either.

But God knows rejection hurts...

He knows more than anyone...

Because even when He poured Himself out fully to show love, He, too, was rejected...and continues to be over and over.

He experienced it fully, so you wouldn't feel the entire burden of it.

So when someone rejects you for needing to take care of yourself, see it as God's way of protecting you from someone who may never understand your pain.

He will place people in your life that will understand, or at least people who will try to or give you grace, even when they don't.

You are loved. They are loved.It was all meant to happen the way it did.

#overcomingrejection #overcomingwithgrace

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God-Sized Dreams


When my dear friend and fellow life coach said this, I was like drop!

Something in me clicked even more of how I often try to do things on my own.

It's not only more stressful and more burdensome, but I don't get to create nearly as much in quality or quantity compared to when I do it with Him.

Thank you @cmbongiovanni for this beautiful reminder that is true in all circumstances!

Drop a if you are committing to do your God-sized dreams WITH God!


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