Past and Future

Our past can be helpful to reference, but not to ruminate on.

Who you become does NOT have to be determined by your past; it's determined by your present. And if your present is filled with your past, then OF COURSE, your future will continue to be filled with your past. Mind Blowing, right?!


You can still create, show up, live out your purpose...added symptoms, body slowing down, or even deteriorating or degenerating.

You can note what triggers you with your trauma until more healing occurs. You can note what parts of your trauma ignite some core wounds, so you can intentionally decide how you want to move forward.

Knowing the past is also incredibly helpful for all the things we are fighting justice for in our country and world...but I've seen it time and time again, including in a recent coaching call this week, where we are RUMINATING on the past...and in doing so, it is holding us back from moving forward in a life giving way in making kingdom impact.

It is holding you back from being the AMAZING light, love, and force this world needs!

Let us not be a slave to our past.

In Christ, we are a new creation (conditions, trauma, injustice, and all), and we are no longer a slave to fear, or any other death sentence this world has to offer.

Let us take those steps to walk out of the prison cell that Jesus set us free from to proclaim His goodness, grace, mercy, holiness, and love to the world.

Galatians 4:3-7

Is who you say you are determined by what you’ve done and what’s been done to you? Or is it determined by what’s already been done FOR you by Jesus? Is who you are determined by the great, “I AM,” and who He says you are?

Take this time to reflect, and then redirect, rewire and rejoice where your identity comes from in Him!


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Joy from Jesus


When we think about our circumstances that aren’t ideal or are even painful, it’s hard to imagine feeling happiness.

But when we think about who Jesus is, what He endured for us because of His love for us, along with our circumstances, it brings a joy and a hope that can only come from Him, despite our circumstances.

In the Model (a tool I share often with my clients), when you plug your circumstance in the “C” line with your conditions, trauma, or justice issues, along with your thoughts around it, happiness has NEVER been something myself or my clients have put as an emotion.

But when you add Jesus and Scripture to your “C” line with your condition, trauma or justice issue, the thoughts around it change.

Hope is present.
Lightness is present.
Peace is present.
Sometimes even joy.

And that’s without the circumstances ever changing.

This is not just the power of the Model my friends.

This is the power of JESUS, His resurrection, and the Holy Spirit.

This is the power of the Gospel.

He gave His life for you so you would know, believe and feel this Love, Grace, Peace, Hope, Lightness, and Strength even in your weakest and darkest moments.

If you’re wanting to dive deeper into this work, schedule a free mini session with me.

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Spicy Thai Basil Chicken

So shelter in place is a lot longer than we all thought it would be, eh?

If some of us are still cooking and not giving into eating out, or maybe the desire to want to support locals, here is another family favorite!

Spicy Thai Basil Chicken (Pad Krapow Gai) from Chef John at All Recipes.

I use coconut sugar instead, and double the amount to get more flavor, but feel free to use the original sugar or adjust the number of tablespoons you use as needed. Also, be sure to adjust the spice if you have little ones or those sensitive to spicy foods in your family. I often don’t have thai chilies but jalapeños have worked well for us. I also use extra virgin olive oil and about 1 tbsp of dry basil. Some stores have minced ground chicken already, which makes the chicken prep that much easier, and that taste and texture is actually our preference as a family.

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Like the last recipe, it’s super easy, delicious, kid approved, and diverse. You can have it with various types of noodles or over rice or even salad.

Our favorite way is mixing white rice and flat noodles (the noodles like in rad na dishes).

You can find our adjustments and/or print it out here. Otherwise, there is a png version below.

If you make this recipe, let me know what adjustments you make and what you use to eat it with!


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