As many of you know, I have been asking for advice on my breastfeeding journey with Annabelle. With Aaron, I started struggling at 4 months and did what I could- pump after every feeding, supplements, and diet, but after 3 months of trying, it did not increase or help, and we had to do formula fully at 7 months.
With Annabelle, we are trying different methods to see if it will help. I did not want to pump after every feeding and possibly have the same outcome of it not helping. Breastfeeding can already be draining in itself, so to add pumping after every feeding is not something that will be best for our family right now.
It may seem like a little, but that stuff adds up, and it's just going into the nursing pad and/or gets emptied out to promote more milk.
So many moms were recommending to get the Haakaa. I bought this one without the suction bottom. I wish I bought this one in hindsight to ensure it doesn't fall over after placing it down. And let me tell you, it is AWESOME!!! I did a video review on my Facebook here that you can catch.
It is SUPER convenient. While nursing Annabelle, I just plop it on the other side so it catches precious milk that would just go into the nursing pad...ahhh, what a waste! Once you get the right suction, it sticks and stays, hands-free! And it is so easy to clean and travel with. No extra bra, or multiple pieces to wash, including the tiny it makes doing it for every feeding SO much easier. And currently, I am nursing Annabelle every 2-3 hours, so to have to pump the traditional style after every one like I did with Aaron is not something I could do right now, especially if it would yield the same outcome (or lack thereof). It basically feels like I'd be either nursing, pumping or cleaning the stuff with that schedule.
So easy and convenient!
It's only been a few days, but I am able to get anywhere between 0.5-1.5 oz for each feeding with minimal effort...which is pretty much the same amount I was getting in my earlier months with Annabelle with pumping the traditional style post-feedings, and definitely more than what I was getting with Aaron. (I'd barely get 0.5 oz most times.)
I absolutely love the Haakaa! They say that the baby will help increase milk supply the most, so using this to catch the milk on the other side while nursing is genius! I still nurse her on both sides for each feeding, so it has been so easy to use this for each one. If you are breastfeeding, know someone who is, or attending a baby shower soon, this makes an awesome addition to baby "must-haves." Get yours by clicking the image below!