“The only thing that can stop God’s plan and dreams for your life is YOUR disobedience.”
When I first heard this, I was like ,"NO! That is NOT true! God is greater than our disobedience!"
And sister He is!!!
But then I stepped back and reflected more of the context this was shared in and then it clicked.
Your failures, your limitations, your symptoms and flare-ups, your past, or the choices you regret or think were “wrong,” WON'T and CAN'T stop God's plans and dreams for happening in your life.
His grace covers ALL of it.
BUT, the continuous “no’s” you give Him, can. And not because God isn't greater, powerful and loving. It is BECAUSE He is great, powerful and loving that He will not FORCE you or violate your freedom to choose.
So if it takes you 999 times to say no to something, and you finally say yes the 1000th time, His grace covers.
But if your entire lifetime, you continue to say no because of lack of faith or hope, then your dream will NOT happen 100% of the time.
Don’t be afraid of what your conditions may hold you back from.
Don't be afraid of the insecurities you feel because of your past.
They won’t stop the dreams and plans God has on your life...but saying no because of fear, bitterness, doubts, resentment and insecurities will.
What is one thing you want to do to say NO to fear and lies and YES to your dreams today?