Often when we receive "no's" in our lives, we internalize and make it mean something that paralyzes us.
Whether the no is from a relationship, a potential healing or cure you tried, work/business, a job you applied for, etc...
We often make it mean we aren't good enough, we aren't worthy, valuable, loved, heard, wanted, or needed.
Oh friend, how these thoughts can be so destructive and cause more pain!
What if we allowed the "no's" to PROPEL us instead?
Even when Jesus heard "no's" from many people and even from His own Father when He asked if the cup could be taken away, He didn't let that paralyze Him.
He kept His eyes on the end prize...which was YOU my friend. And THAT PROPELLED Him to keep going.
The "no's" may initially hurt.
But when you know that it's not about your worth, because Jesus already says and shows how worthy He believes you are by giving His life for you...you can come out of paralysis into propelling more and more toward the "yes's" He DOES have for you...and they are far better than the original.
Drop a 💜 if you needed this.