Some of the hardest words...


How do you talk to yourself when you fail?

Maybe you start verbally abusing yourself or run through mental self-slaughter.

Name calling: Failure, stupid, worthless.

Telling yourself you're not good enough.

Or asking yourself, "When are you ever going to get this?"

Can I challenge you to say some of the hardest words known to man instead?


And not for failing...but for treating yourself like a punching bag for so long when you do fail.

Can you imagine how different things will be when each time you failed, you forgave yourself, and you gave yourself grace and compassion instead?

Perhaps you wouldn't fear failing more.

Perhaps, your confidence would grow.

Perhaps, you would start seeing yourself the way God already does, because of Jesus.

What will you have to let go to make this happen?

What will you gain when you begin to let go?

What next “one step” do you have to take?

Whatever it is, take time to do it…

It’s worth it!
