Memories are a funny thing...


Memories are interesting.

Sometimes we remember the most random things…

Sometimes we forget the most important things…

Sometimes there’s a few particular details in any given memories that stand out, but you can’t seem to recall other things.

Someone once told me how they struggle with remembering happy memories growing up.

They wondered whether this meant they were an ungrateful and unhappy person.

With love and compassion, I told them, "No, it doesn't mean that at all."

Sometimes, it can mean that there were so many painful thoughts and memories that were repeated over and over again, that it has piled on over and drowned out any potential happy memories that did occur.

This is good news.

This means that whatever "label" you are giving yourself that you want to change, you can.

This means that now, you CAN create new thoughts, new memories and NEW labels that bring new tapes that replay in your mind.

Your labels don't define you. You can change the ones that don't serve you.

The only label I ever recommend identifying yourself as, and the only label that NEVER changes, is you being a child of God.

That is firm, solid, strong, unwavering, powerful and unconditional.

When that becomes your replaying tape and part of your core memories, you’ll be able to withstand anything that comes your way.
