This post didn't make it to the post graveyard (credit to post graveyard: @lisawhittle ).
I wanted it to be...but I feel like God kept pressing on me to I don't know if you need to hear it this morning:
He is not your father, but he's also not your Father.
Pasts filled with trauma are so complex.
You think you're healed from them, especially after years of counseling, coaching, self-care, soul-care, podcasts, books, scriptures, prayers,community and crying out to God...
And then you start to notice how nuanced it actually is, and how the pain and hurt has overflowed into places you've never expected.
Maybe there were men in your past who hurt you and took advantage of you that were supposed to protect you...and keep you safe.
It's transferred to how you view your Heavenly Father.
And then once you start meeting men, whether brotherly or romantically, 2 things may start to happen:
1) Either so much hurt and doubt comes that you start viewing these men as the men who hurt you from your past and you start building walls that you didn't even know were being built.
2) Maybe they are men who care and love you, but you've looked to them and expected them to do things that only your Heavenly Father was meant to do.
Both are dangerous paths to take that can lead to a down spiral of destruction...and both are tools of the deceiver.
So if you needed to hear this today, or know someone who does, may this be a gentle, sweet reminder that your brothers are meant to point you to your Greater Brother, Jesus...imperfect siblings meant to point you to your Perfect Savior and Brother....imperfections of your [soon-to-be] husband, meant to point you to your Perfect Husband.
Praying for you today and in this season, as God continues to reveal and heal these parts of you, and if you ever need someone to talk to about this, send me a message.
It would be my honor to pray with you and for you. 💜
Romans 5:12-21