When Pain Hits


When pain hits, you CAN still do that “thing” anyway...

Show up...
Move your body...
Be still...
Work your business (or job)...
Connect with the hubby and kids...
Connect with others...

I’m not talking about striving to the point of burnout and making your symptoms worse overtime. ⠀

I’m talking about not using your pain as a reason to not do the things you want to do and the things God is calling you to do.

I know it can be scary and anxiety-filled, because many things CAN make your symptoms worse in the short run.

So how can you know the difference?

5 C’s:

CURIOSITY - curiosity of what things make pains worsen and what steps you are able to take in your daily tasks despite the pain

COMPASSION - compassion for yourself on the days you’re not able to do what you want or feel led to do because pain and symptoms get in the way...remembering that you are fully worthy and valuable as you are, and not from what you can or can’t do.

COMMITMENT - commitment to persevere through the trial and error. Commitment to try new things and trying for a good amount of time before trying something new, even when it hurts in the moment. You won’t know until you’ve tried and eliminated possibilities.⠀

COACHING - coaching to show you parts of your mind you can’t see and the parts that try to be tricky and sneaky. Coaching to guide you with assessing all the data you gather and creating a next plan of action.⠀

CHRIST - Christ already overcame everything. He is everything. And He is with you helping you overcome every step of the way. But even if you aren’t a Christian, my clients who prefer not to bring in faith into their sessions have had MASSIVE transformation in the ways they view their conditions and their life with the first 4 simple things alone.
Years and years of the steps above repeated so now I can show you how to do it in way less of a time.⠀

You can overcome your pain so it doesn’t overcome you.

This is how I was able to take steps in all those things listed above today, despite my pain being higher and needed a few naps, and you can too! Let me show you how.

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