Will You Take The Leap?


As adults, we are fearful of doing things that God is leading us to do, because we often look to our past as point of references.

I never wanted to let Annabelle wear makeup, even when she’d tug at me with her cute eyes, because of my fear of her doing things I did at a young age, when I put makeup on so young.

That was my reference. (and then some with the memories that came from my past!)

When I realized, she just wanted to be like Mommy, now...who I am now, today...then, the fear died down.

I don’t know if I’ll change my mind in allowing her to wear it...but that is the freedom we have in Christ. I can always change it as He leads.

As we continue abiding in Him and seeking Him, we are reminded that:

1) Where He leads us is based off of where HE wants to take us, not what we have done or failed in in the past

2) Who we are becoming, is because of the work already done on the cross by Jesus and not what we have to do more. We have freedom and the ✝️ to be changed and renewed from the inside out.

3) We can always change directions if we did make a decision that didn’t align with His plans. This frees us from being paralyzed in confusion or indecision.

4) The grace and love of God is so great, that we don’t even have to fear our past selves. God loves us completely and unconditionally- our past, present and future selves.

What freedom.
What grace.
What love.

This is true for makeup, for parenting...for your health, a treatment plan, or any other thing that God is leading you to take that leap of faith in.

Will you take the leap? 🏃🏻‍♀️

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