Know Who the Real Enemy Is


Know who the real enemy is.

You might think it’s your anxiety and depression.

You might think it’s your darn symptoms from your conditions that keep getting in the way from living out your purpose day in and day out.

I know a lot of times, it feels like our spouse or our kids are the enemy.

It’s not who or what your mind often defaults to thinking it is...

How would your day shift if you truly knew and believed who the real enemy was?

How would it change the way you view your conditions? Your pain? God? And the purpose He has for you?

It would change a WHOLE lot.

The enemy doesn’t want you to know this though...

He wants you to keep believing what you have been...

But we know our God is already victorious!

We know we have victory in Him!

Let me show you how you can feel that victory here on Earth, even with your conditions and pain.

The journey begins on a deeper level on September 30th...

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Bring Your Emotions to God

When we rush to not feel something, chances are, we probably should sit with it a little longer.

I am NOT talking about when abuse or assault, or any of those situations are happening.


I'm talking about other situations when we are rushing to get out of or change our circumstance in order to feel better.

Scripture tells us our hearts are fleeting, so if we keep wanting to change our circumstances because of our hearts, that's a lot of changing and not getting to the root of WHY we are wanting the change in the first place.

The key word is 𝗥𝗨𝗦𝗛.

Are you rushing to fix things? Are you rushing to want to feel better?

We can always change the circumstances, but if you don't sit with and work through those emotions in your present situation, those same reasons why you want to change your circumstances will follow you into the new one.

How much more powerful would it be if you brought your emotions to God, and He showed you what you were believing of why you want to change your circumstances, and then having a strong peace, regardless if your circumstances change or not.

It's pretty powerful friend...

And I'm going to show you more in depth how to learn that soon...

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It is Possible


I know it’s hard to imagine how to be a good parent, when your symptoms and flare-ups keep adding to the mix of the already chaotic rhythms of parenting.

I know it’s hard to imagine how God can use you to make kingdom impact when you have your physical symptoms not just slowing things down, but making it really hard to function and do anything.

I know it’s hard to imagine how God can use you when your mental conditions creep up when you least expect it to, causing so much pain, numbness or helplessness.

Not only will I help you imagine how God can use you and WILL use you, but I will teach you HOW to make that happen...symptoms and all!

I will teach you systems to create for your specific conditions and circumstances to still be able to do the work God calls you to do.

I will teach you how to trust God more in the process, despite your pain and symptoms....because let me be real...

Systems are great...but they’re not your Savior.

In my Overcoming Your Pain program, I’m going to teach you more of BOTH: how to create systems that fit you specifically, and how to seek and trust your Savior more despite your pain.

It’s possible friend.

I’m living proof of systems working with flare-ups and conditions.

I’m living proof of a loving God that CAN use you despite your conditions.

I’m living proof that you can actually trust God even MORE, and not less, because of your pain.

And you can be too.

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