You Are Worth The Risk


When do you know when to take the risk?

Is this medicine or treatment going to work this time?

Is this going to be the right choice?

I've wasted so much time and money already...

The truth is, most certain things are not certain.

When do you know when to take the risk? When you actually take it...

Even when things have a probability of working 99.9% of the time, how many times have you been that .1% where it didn't?! 🙋🏻‍♀️

Yup, I know! I have been that small percentage SOOOO many times. 😤🙄😓😭

We don't know if it'll work!

But you know who does? GOD. And He knows when. And He knows how.

He knows ALL of the VICTORIOUS moments in your journey that will make you come alive...

And He knows ALL of the 💩 moments that will make you feel down in the dumps...

But you know what He also knows?

Is that those 💩 moments will be the fertilizer to some CRAZY growth that you can't even see yet, but He does...will you trust Him? 🤲🏼

Or will you continue focusing on the wind that doesn't help in your growth? 💨

And if you focus so much on the 💩...well, ya' know where that goes already.

But when you take the risk and just keep planting away, you'll see the ones that grow and produce good fruit. 🌱 🍎

But you won't know unless you take the risk and keep planting.

It may be scary. It may be risky.

But you, my friend, are worth the risk.

If you've been considering trying the Overcoming Your Pain Program, it's less scary because it's risk-free.

If after 8 weeks, you don't feel differently about your chronic pain, depression or anxiety..if you don't feel less trapped and more free from them, you can get your money back!

That's right!

Deadline to register is Monday, October 19. TOMORROW.

Head to to register now, RISK-FREE, and see if this is the planting that will bring the vibrant and aliveness you've been yearning for for your garden. Link in bio.

Ecclesiastes 11:4-6

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Will You Take The Leap?


As adults, we are fearful of doing things that God is leading us to do, because we often look to our past as point of references.

I never wanted to let Annabelle wear makeup, even when she’d tug at me with her cute eyes, because of my fear of her doing things I did at a young age, when I put makeup on so young.

That was my reference. (and then some with the memories that came from my past!)

When I realized, she just wanted to be like Mommy, now...who I am now, today...then, the fear died down.

I don’t know if I’ll change my mind in allowing her to wear it...but that is the freedom we have in Christ. I can always change it as He leads.

As we continue abiding in Him and seeking Him, we are reminded that:

1) Where He leads us is based off of where HE wants to take us, not what we have done or failed in in the past

2) Who we are becoming, is because of the work already done on the cross by Jesus and not what we have to do more. We have freedom and the ✝️ to be changed and renewed from the inside out.

3) We can always change directions if we did make a decision that didn’t align with His plans. This frees us from being paralyzed in confusion or indecision.

4) The grace and love of God is so great, that we don’t even have to fear our past selves. God loves us completely and unconditionally- our past, present and future selves.

What freedom.
What grace.
What love.

This is true for makeup, for parenting...for your health, a treatment plan, or any other thing that God is leading you to take that leap of faith in.

Will you take the leap? 🏃🏻‍♀️

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When Pain Hits


When pain hits, you CAN still do that “thing” anyway...

Show up...
Move your body...
Be still...
Work your business (or job)...
Connect with the hubby and kids...
Connect with others...

I’m not talking about striving to the point of burnout and making your symptoms worse overtime. ⠀

I’m talking about not using your pain as a reason to not do the things you want to do and the things God is calling you to do.

I know it can be scary and anxiety-filled, because many things CAN make your symptoms worse in the short run.

So how can you know the difference?

5 C’s:

CURIOSITY - curiosity of what things make pains worsen and what steps you are able to take in your daily tasks despite the pain

COMPASSION - compassion for yourself on the days you’re not able to do what you want or feel led to do because pain and symptoms get in the way...remembering that you are fully worthy and valuable as you are, and not from what you can or can’t do.

COMMITMENT - commitment to persevere through the trial and error. Commitment to try new things and trying for a good amount of time before trying something new, even when it hurts in the moment. You won’t know until you’ve tried and eliminated possibilities.⠀

COACHING - coaching to show you parts of your mind you can’t see and the parts that try to be tricky and sneaky. Coaching to guide you with assessing all the data you gather and creating a next plan of action.⠀

CHRIST - Christ already overcame everything. He is everything. And He is with you helping you overcome every step of the way. But even if you aren’t a Christian, my clients who prefer not to bring in faith into their sessions have had MASSIVE transformation in the ways they view their conditions and their life with the first 4 simple things alone.
Years and years of the steps above repeated so now I can show you how to do it in way less of a time.⠀

You can overcome your pain so it doesn’t overcome you.

This is how I was able to take steps in all those things listed above today, despite my pain being higher and needed a few naps, and you can too! Let me show you how.

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